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1 FemNaziBitch  Apr 6, 2014 11:08:02am

oy vey

2 Pie-onist Overlord  Apr 6, 2014 12:40:21pm

The wingnuts as usual incapable of distinguishing “Dixiecrats” from the “Democrats”

3 Ryan King  Apr 6, 2014 3:03:08pm

re: #2 Pie-onist Overlord

The wingnuts as usual incapable of distinguishing “Dixiecrats” from the “Democrats”

They haven’t the faintest idea of the difference Democrat of 1865/1965/2005.

Nor a Republican or Whig. The Southern Strategy and Lee Atwater? Nope.

It’s the Idiocracy.

4 GeneJockey  Apr 6, 2014 3:39:52pm

re: #3 Ryan King

They haven’t the faintest idea of the difference Democrat of 1865/1965/2005.

Nor a Republican or Whig. The Southern Strategy and Lee Atwater? Nope.

It’s the Idiocracy.

It’s not even as deep as that. It works, in their minds, because then ‘Democrats iz thuh REAL racists!!’

5 Rocky-in-Connecticut  Apr 7, 2014 11:37:53am

enough with the labels. Let’s talk about specifics.

It wasn’t “Democrats” or “Know Nothings” or Anti-immigrant groups that started the KKK. These are all just labels to group people together.

Specifically it was individual white men who formed groups and social and political structures to persecute and marginalize blacks another minority groups in America. The binding ideology of these individuals was racism defined by a Biblical God-ordained superiority of the white man over everyone else on the planet.

It was with this central belief that the KKK evolved. At the time, the rural Deep South was the ground zero of this ideology, and voted Democrat with the understanding that that party would represent their agenda and promote their ideology. Now, here in 2014, it is the Republican Party and the Tea Party groups that fly the rural American banner, represent the agenda of racist Southerners, and promote the same sort of ethnic superiority complex known as “exceptionalism”. Enough with idiotic labels. Point out specifics and shine the light on the cockroaches.

6 gwangung  Apr 7, 2014 1:24:20pm

The Right Wing CONTINUALLY assumes black people, brown people and yellow people are too stupid to know who’s actually screwing them.

We’re watching what people DO, not what they say, jerkwads.

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